

Great products always come from moments of inspiration.

➤ Where do ideas come from?

Daily Problems

The most important thing of a product is to solve users' problems. The issues we encounter in our daily work and life often have a universal nature, and these challenges serve as the inspiration for product ideas.

Emotional Signals

Negative emotions serve as signals that there are problems. By shifting our focus from these emotions to problem-solving, unexpected benefits can emerge. This is why I pay close attention to people's complaints.


Look for opportunities in popular trends in technology. The combination of new technologies with existing fields can be incredibly powerful. Popular examples include AI, LLM, cryptocurrency, Web3, etc.


Every day, thousands of ideas are created on GitHub to solve problems across various fields. Among them, many outstanding products can be incubated.

Reference Other Products

What problems do other products solve? How do they solve? What are the differences between similar products? These considerations can provide you with valuable insights.

Social Media

Discover ideas worth spreading

Productivity Tools

A major advantage of computers is to replace repetitive tasks at low cost and high efficiency. Productivity is money. Many users are willing to pay for productivity tools. Pay attention and identify the entry points for improving efficiency.

More Types

Don't limit yourself to just creating mobile apps; independent developers have many options for product types, such as smartwatches, smart TV applications, and plugins/extensions for larger software. → Learn More

➤ Is it a good idea?

When you come up with an idea, you need to know if it is reasonable.

Competing Products

Check in app markets and search engines to see if your idea has already been implemented. Try out the existing products. Unless you can outperform the existing products by at least 10 times in key metrics, you may end up in low-quality competition.

Core Elements

Refers to the user, the scenario, and the need—understanding. They mean understanding who needs to solve what problem in which situation. The clearer the analysis, the higher the feasibility of the idea.

Understand the Details

If your idea targets an area you're not familiar with, it's easy to make unreasonable assumptions. You need to thoroughly understand the workflows and details of that field. One approach is to find a part-time job in that area.

Consider Other Solutions

There is often more than one way to solve a problem. Carefully consider whether your idea is the one the user likes the most. It doesn't have to be the best, but it must be something the user likes.


ROI stands for return on investment. Think like an economist about your investment and expected returns. The investment includes development time and infrastructure costs like servers.

Launch MVP

MVP stands for minimum viable product. The most effective way to validate an idea is to implement it, and the sooner, the better. Quickly test your idea with the smallest core version.